S.T.A.Y. – Somebody’s Thinking About You is a 501(c)(3) non-profit committed to raising awareness, reducing stigma, and educating the action sports community about mental wellness and suicide prevention.

When you support S.T.A.Y., you empower us to actively pursue our organizational mission and objectives. Your donations aid us in amplifying our message, offer community resources at no cost, develop impactful programs, and sustain our services facilitated by licensed mental health therapists.

- There is an unspoken pressure to always be stoked and live your best life; to live fast and to ride hard. Because of the need to project a glorified lifestyle, a stigma exists when it comes to acknowledging mental health issues, seeking help, and combating suicide.
- Preventing suicide begins with us. It begins with normalizing the conversation surrounding mental health issues and creating a safe space to allow individuals to acknowledge that life can get hard, that sometimes we need extra support, that we need to ask for help, that help is out there, and that we are not alone.
- Suicide prevention is more than telling others you love them - it requires protective and preventative strategies from individuals and our communities. Suicide prevention is access to social support, housing, nutritious foods, healthcare, mental health care, and economic justice. While many of these things are out of our immediate control, we at S.T.A.Y. - Somebody's Thinking About You aim to raise awareness of ways that our community can support ourselves and others before, during, and after a mental health crisis.

Substance Use Recovery Scholarship
S.T.A.Y. is proud to announce our partnership with Restore Health & Wellness Center, offering annual scholarships for individuals to apply for substance use treatment.
When you purchase and wear S.T.A.Y. merchandise, not only are you aiding in spreading the message, but you're directly giving back into our organization.
Printable Educational Materials
Self-soothing touch crisis card
Available in full color or
black & white